Develop your teaching skills and launch your TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) career

Check out a video that Callum from England made of his memories in the school and host family.
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Assigned School

Participants assist in the classroom of an infant, primary, school or secondary school for 20 classroom hours per week. Free Accommodation is provided with host family, so no rent or bills and full board is provided. The host family are connected to the school of which the student is placed.

The schools’ locations are in Catalonia which is in the northeast of Spain (The regions capital is Barcelona) Educados International have partnered with a school association which has collectively 36 schools.

We look for participants who want to come and make a difference by helping improve people’s English whilst wanting to discover a new culture an develop their own language and teaching skills.

Volunteer Host Family

Families provide a safe and comfortable home for during the program.
Furthermore, families genuinely want to show you their culture and learn about yours whilst you help them learn or improve the childrens and maybe also the parent’s English skills. What better way to settle in and adjust to your new life in Spain.

Many people dream of being able to learn a new language, but stumble without the chance to practise face-to-face. Our program provides the best opportunity to learn or improve the local language in a family environment.

Host families provide full bed and board accommodation, private bedroom, washing and cleaning facilities, internet and basically everything else expected from them. This takes a huge financial pressure off the Voluntary Speaker as opposed to living independently. Also remembering that this programs focus is for individuals to learn and develop as an English teacher for the 3-months they are in Spain. Living in a family and attending a school really do make these aspirations a reality!

Why take a teaching internship in Spain?

  • Gain practical teaching experience (over 200 classroom hours) with lots of support from the team and your tutor in the school
  • Enjoy a culturally immersive experience, stay with a Spanish host family
  • Put your skills into practice with real ESL (English as a Secondary Language learners
  • Prepares you for future teaching roles, looks great on your CV!

Available dates

We are now actively hiring for the following intakes:

  • September to December 2024
  • January to March 2025
  • April to June 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

The program has been specifically created to make sure that participants gain the expected learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, and competences) by the end of their traineeship through ongoing feedback with the organisation and school in accordance with a thorough monitoring and evaluation plan.

Full board and free lodging are offered by the host family, so there are no rent or expenses to pay. The host family is associated with the school where the Voluntary Speaker is placed.

The locations of the schools are in Catalonia in north-eastern Spain (capital of the region is Barcelona). We partner with 36 infant, primary and secondary schools located throughout the region from large cities to more smaller towns and villages. No matter where each Voluntary Speaker is located, they are sure to be welcomed into the community and experience how it feels to live like a local! 

Each voluntary speaker is enrolled in a real government-registered Spanish infant, primary, secondary, or further education school for 20 classroom hours per week and is assigned their own tutor who will assist them in adjusting to the program and maximising their ability. Each school has been thoroughly screened, and all staff members, from the director to the assigned tutor, have received thorough training on the workings of the program.

For the duration of the program, families provide a secure and welcoming home. Families also truly want to share their culture with you and discover more about yours. There is no better way to adjust to your new life in Spain! The host families offer private bedrooms, full bed and board, laundry and cleaning facilities, internet, and pretty much everything else you would hope to expect. The ideal relationship between Voluntary Speaker and the Volunteer Host Family is that you become like a big brother or sister for the kids and a friend to the parents.

An interview with the Founder of Educados International

In this wide-ranging interview the founder of Educados International, Christopher Wynne, shares some excellent insight on why this short-term program is a great way to gain teaching skills and grow as an educator while enjoying the authentic Spanish lifestyle.