Overall, my experience so far has been positive, I’m happy I took the chance to do this programme. It is very rewarding in the sense that you learn a lot about yourself, develop new skills, meet new people, you develop an interest in a new culture and language and potential career path. My current experience has outweighed my prior expectations, although it hasn’t been perfect, it is still something I’d do again if I had the chance.

I believe that this experience has definitely made me more confident as a person. Also, it is making me think more and more about the possibility of becoming a teacher in the future.

Tothom hem guanyat en fluïdesa i confiança a l’hora de parlar. Cada dia ampliem (o com a mínim reforcem) el nostre vocabulari. I millorem molt la part de comprensió oral.

1. Per què veu decidir acollir un Voluntary Speaker?
Perquè ja havíem viscut l’experiència una vegada i va ser molt interessant. Ens va permetre practicar l’anglès i conèixer més coses sobre la cultura anglosaxona.

Hem tingut l’oportunitat de teixir vincles, aprendre bilateralment de les nostres respectives cultures i créixer conjuntament en tots els sentits.

I’ve really clicked with my host family, they've made me feel very welcome and look after me like one of their own.
We’ve been out together as a family nearly every weekend.

On Saturday, May 4th, we had a great day in Barcelona, welcoming our newest Voluntary Speakers from Ireland, America & Australia!

We're absolutely thrilled to kick off our April to June program with the arrival of our wonderful Voluntary English Speakers from England, Ireland, America, and Australia in Barcelona! Huge thanks to the Vedruna Schools and amazing Host Families for the incredibly warm welcome. Let the fantastic adventures of cultural and linguistic immersion begin😊

If you haven’t done any English teaching, as was the case with me, this is quite possibly the perfect way for you to gain confidence and skills in the classroom without a massive commitment.

My host family has become a part of my actual family. I am in love with my three host sisters. My host mom and dad treat me like I am their daughter. I have 0 complaints. I wish I could stay with them longer, as they have been nothing but kind to me throughout my stay.