Category Voluntary Speaker

Kaetlyn from America. My experience with this school has been like no other. I have grown relationships with not only the students but the staff as well. I look at every individual here as if there are my family.

My expectations for this program have been beyond met. This town, the school, and the people have made this place a home for me. Coming here I expected to make a difference to some students, but I never expected this town, school, and these people to change my life in a way that they have.

Feidhlim from Ireland. No regrets. Just do it. Open your mind and eyes and enjoy the process. Every day is a school day. This program offers the right amount of experience for anyone thinking about teaching as a possible career.

Getting out of your comfort zone every day is essential for growth as I have learned with this program. Overtime I became more organized, and it gave me confidence to be more assertive in the teaching position and I became more creative with my material as a result. I’ve learned what it takes to improve and succeed.

Lucrezia from Ireland. I definitely don’t regret doing this programme and I highly recommend it to anyone trying to figure out who they are and what they want to be.

Overall, my experience so far has been positive, I’m happy I took the chance to do this programme. It is very rewarding in the sense that you learn a lot about yourself, develop new skills, meet new people, you develop an interest in a new culture and language and potential career path. My current experience has outweighed my prior expectations, although it hasn’t been perfect, it is still something I’d do again if I had the chance.

Shaun from Ireland. My experiences in school have been nothing short of brilliant and amazing, from the teachers to students everyone has been a delight to be around.

I have absolutely 0 regrets about joining this program for so many reasons. The first one being the experience you gain from a teaching perspective is huge and if you're looking to pursue a career in teaching and aren't sure what you want to do, this is a great way to find out if you enjoy the environment. Secondly you can meet some great people and make new friends. I think what I liked most about the program is that you're not alone and can talk to the other volunteers and relate to them.

Julie Gill from Australia. I built a strong relationship with both the parents and the children in my host family. My host mum always gives me great advice and I find her very inspiring.

One reason I chose to undertake this program was to develop my skills in teaching English as a second language to students. Over the years, I have had multiple students who are EOSL and felt I didn’t always know how to best support them. This program has enabled me to learn about pedagogies, curriculums and materials to support me in this program

Amy from South Africa. Spanish families are much like South African families, close knit and the parents are very involved in their children’s lives. When staying with a family you will become one of their children, so communication is key. Let the family know your schedule so that they can prepare they’re schedule according to yours and vice versa.

My experience has been so good, I didn’t have any expectations but the general experience has been fun. I’ve made many many friends. I absolutely love Spain, it’s safe and it’s beautiful! There’s not enough time to explore!