Tothom hem guanyat en fluïdesa i confiança a l’hora de parlar. Cada dia ampliem (o com a mínim reforcem) el nostre vocabulari. I millorem molt la part de comprensió oral.
1. Per què veu decidir acollir un Voluntary Speaker?
Perquè ja havíem viscut l’experiència una vegada i va ser molt interessant. Ens va permetre practicar l’anglès i conèixer més coses sobre la cultura anglosaxona.
Hem tingut l’oportunitat de teixir vincles, aprendre bilateralment de les nostres respectives cultures i créixer conjuntament en tots els sentits.
We have all improved our English skills, especially our 15-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter who have made considerable improvements in speaking and listening comprehension thanks to the always interesting conversations with Liam.
The experience is very enriching, for young and old. It is important to realize from a young age that it is important to learn other languages in order to communicate better.
It has been a super enriching experience on many levels, as we have met a magnificent person and at the same time his customs and his country of origin. It's been great for the whole family, both those who speak English and those who don't. It has also been a very beautiful personal and family experience in every sense, since hosting, living, and sharing the experience has worked really well for everyone.
Ben (the Voluntary Speaker) is an incredible person, with a great desire to do everything that was proposed to him, and he has also been perfectly integrated into the dynamics of our family.