Feidhlim from Ireland. No regrets. Just do it. Open your mind and eyes and enjoy the process. Every day is a school day. This program offers the right amount of experience for anyone thinking about teaching as a possible career.

Getting out of your comfort zone every day is essential for growth as I have learned with this program. Overtime I became more organized, and it gave me confidence to be more assertive in the teaching position and I became more creative with my material as a result. I’ve learned what it takes to improve and succeed.

Name of Volunteer Speaker




Name of town/city where school is located.


Experience in school including tasks, classes, relationship with students/teachers.

My time in the school has been completely positive. Teachers have been more than helpful with communicating what they want from you as a Voluntary Speaker. They offer great advice and are very friendly. The classes themselves have been insightful, fun and a learning experience. I have learned a lot about lesson planning and classroom management that I can put to good use in the future. The students are very welcoming also. Both secondary and primary students are respectful and make an effort to participate. Even outside of school they like to talk with you, you really are treated like a celebrity in the school.

Experience living with your Host Family. Have they made you feel welcome, relationship, activities, etc…

If there is one thing I will forever cherish about this program, it will be the time I’ve spent with these people. I have had the best time living with my host family. They have made me feel like part of the family and of the community. There was more than enough resources offered to me to make me feel comfortable whilst staying with them and helping at the school. They went out of their way every day to make sure I was ok. I have been shown locations of Spain like something out of a fairytale. They provide great mediterranean food which I never was accustomed to and will now be my future diet. I’ve experienced an athletics club, electric bikes, participated in races and hiked beautiful mountains because of these people. They’ve offered me advice and wisdom about life and I’ve learned a lot from being with them. I intend to see them in my life as friends in the future.

Your general experience whilst on the program from prior expectations to your current experience

At first, I was a little nervous about teaching, which was to be expected since I’ve had no prior teaching experience but I was given very professional mentorship from all the English teachers which put me at ease. Coming to a town in another country and not knowing anybody can seem quite daunting at first but it’s been nothing but fantastic and introspective. I’ve learned a lot about myself here and a lot about Spain too.

Changes/Improvements in both personal and professional development

Getting out of your comfort zone every day is essential for growth as I have learned with this program. Overtime I became more organized, and it gave me confidence to be more assertive in the teaching position and I became more creative with my material as a result. I’ve learned what it takes to improve and succeed.

Advice for the any new/future Voluntary Speakers placed in your town/city (best places to visit, things to do, activities with host family, favorite restaurant, bar, etc.…)

Check out all the facilities if you want to try out new sports. I joined an athletics and swimming club with no real experience prior. The people there are super friendly, and the instructors help you become part of the team. A lot of restaurants serve great food and there are endless trails for walking in nature.

Advice for new/future Voluntary Speakers placed in your school?

Don’t feel nervous about anything. The teachers are there to help you and the students are well behaved and friendly. Keep learning things every day and journal your progress. There’s plenty of ideas you can get from the internet.

Advice for new/future Voluntary Speakers in relation to living with your host family or Spanish families in general.

Be respectful and you will get respect back. It’s a benefit for them having you with them. Spend time with them as if they were your own second family. You want to have a pleasant experience, it’s right that they should have one too.

Share some of the best moments in your school, host family and in general whilst participating on the program.

Helping out the students with their upcoming English day has been a blast of fun. I’ve have experienced some very meaningful moments with the family, and I have learned to not cycle too fast on any bike at all.

Any regrets joining? Would you recommend the program to others? and what would you say to someone thinking about teaching English abroad for the first time and thinking about joining this program?

No regrets. Just do it. Open your mind and eyes and enjoy the process. Every day is a school day. This program offers the right amount of experience for anyone thinking about teaching as a possible career. You’ll make lifelong friends and learn a lot about TEFLing. Beforehand I would suggest acquainting yourself with a lot of different speaking activities and games that you can do with the children for the time you are there. The internet is your friend here. And step outside the comfort zone one day at a time. Personal growth is a feeling like no other. You regret the things you don’t do in life.

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