Name of Volunteer Speaker
Stanislav |
South African |
Name of town/city where school is located
Santa Coloma de Queralt |
Experience in school including tasks, classes, relationship with students/teachers
Experience living with your Host Family. Have they made you feel welcome, relationships, activities, etc…
My host family is incredible! They have 3 children aged 3,5 and 7 so they are always busy and making plans on weekends to show me places and things to do around Catalonia. We went to watch a football match, went to the beach in Delta and we also went to Andorra, just to name a few things! They made me feel like I was part of the family. They are absolutely amazing! I got along really well with my host family, and we were really well-matched personality wise which helped make the adjustment to life in Spain very simple. I can’t wait for my host family or school teachers to come visit South Africa so that I can show them my country! |
Your general experience whilst on the program from prior expectations to your current experience
It was difficult to have many expectations since this was the first time that I have joined a program like this. I expected to discover what it was like to teach English in a foreign country. I expected to learn some Catalan and about the Spanish culture. I expected to help improve the English understanding and speaking of the school students and my host family. I was more than pleased with my experience in both the school and outside of the school and all those expectations were met! |
Changes/Improvements in both personal and professional development
Advice for the any new/future Voluntary Speakers placed in your town/city (best places to visit, things to do, activities with host family, favorite restaurant, bar, etc.…)
Advice for new/future Voluntary Speakers placed in your school?
Advice for new/future Voluntary Speakers in relation to living with your host family or Spanish families in general
Share some of the best moments in your school, host family and in general whilst participating on the program
Any regrets joining? Would you recommend the program to others? and what would you say to someone thinking about teaching English abroad for the first time and thinking about joining this program?
Absolutely no regrets joining. I highly recommend the program to others who are interested in this kind of experience! If you are thinking about teaching English abroad then this is one of the best experiences to begin with! This experience will help you learn about not only yourself but about other teachers, students and life as a teacher in a foreign country. That is the best way to begin your English teaching! |