20 essential Catalan words and phrases to help you settle in to your new life in Catalonia!

These phrases cover basic greetings, polite expressions, asking for directions, and seeking assistance – essential for making your way around Catalonia comfortably!

Hola – Hello

Adéu – Goodbye

Perdona – Excuse me

Si us plau – Please

Gràcies – Thank you

De res – You’re welcome

Com estàs? – How are you?

Estic bé, gràcies – I’m good, thank you

Com et dius? – What’s your name?

Em dic… – My name is…

Quant costa això? – How much does this cost?

On és el lavabo? – Where is the bathroom?

Menjar – Food

Aigua – Water

Puc tenir la carta, si us plau? – Can I have the menu, please?

No entenc – I don’t understand

Ajuda’m, si us plau – Help me, please

On és l’estació de tren/metro/autobús? – Where is the train/metro/bus station?

Necessito ajuda mèdica – I need medical help

On puc trobar un taxi? – Where can I find a taxi?

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